Great Climbing Vines for your Garden

Climbers:   If you have an ugly wall, a naked pergola, or an arbor that could use a bit of color, a climber may be for you.  Climbers come in all shapes and sizes; some bloom, others produce fruit, and some you may never have thought of using.  There are some that are fast growing, […]

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Excessive mulching and the problems it creates

Many homeowners are unaware that their landscape company is using mulch around their trees incorrectly.  The excessive mounding of mulch around the trunk of the tree creates many different problems including: Decay at the tree base, due to excessive moisture being trapped around the trunk base. Root girdling, where tree roots wrap around the tree […]

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Five Great Winter Shrubs

Many homeowners don’t even want to look outside in the dreary days of winter, but with some imagination and good plant choices, the view from the window can be transformed into one of colour even in the depths of winter.  The choices listed below are just a sample of what can be used to extend […]

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Does anything in the garden look good in the winter

The answer is absolutely!  There are many plants that will bloom in our regional zone (6A or 6B) to give a succession of colour through the drab winter months, but even things such as simply considering the structures of plants or buildings in the garden can create wonderful winter interest. If we start with trees, […]

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